One produce more and more if he love environment around him. That exactly what Link Dev believe in. As a summer trainee in Link Dev, I saw how are they successful in making you love the environment there. It is really a comfortable environment to develop or even live :D. Let us describe this environment.
First, you enjoy a lot when feeling free; free in everything -sure with constraints of real work not joking- work hours, innovation, your weekly vacation, ...... more and more. This let you work with a pure mind in the suits you which leads at the end of the day to good productivity. Sure all this freedom is restricted by the work circumstances, i.e. they are not joking and so they are well know over the whole Arab World.
Second, you are supported there by all people around you in every thing, from minor things like "Where is the bathroom please?" and "How can I get a cup of water or coffee ?" to developers who provide you with their reusable code and technical constants who share you the sever problem you face in your work. Also there is a department called MIS (I forgot stands for what) which is responsible for support officially. It cares about all troubles you may face either hardware troubles, network-related troubles and/or software troubles. It also provide you what you may need even there is no trouble like if you want to install some software, activate one, need a computer accessories,....etc. I remember one day I decided to bring my headphone back to Alexandria as my sister need it, I called MIS on phone (sure I have my own phone there) and asked them for a headphone as I will bring mine back to home !! I got one after 10 minutes.
May be there are more and more we can describe in LinkDev environment, but the last thing I want to mention is the luxury level their employees live in the company. They had their two or three food areas with a big TV access many satellites which enable you to follow your favorite programs in whatever channel you want during the rest hour (you choose your rest hour). Also food areas contains Play Station 3 devices so you can enjoy games there, I already see team who make a turn playing intending to finish all stages of some game and somethings funny like that. Sure basic things like air condition and drinks are provided like any other software company.
Finally, I cannot say that LinDev environment are the best environment you will ever see, but I can claim that it is one of the most comfortable environment one can work in.
You can see life at LinDev here http://www.linkdev.com/careers/LifeatLinkDev.aspx
Second, you are supported there by all people around you in every thing, from minor things like "Where is the bathroom please?" and "How can I get a cup of water or coffee ?" to developers who provide you with their reusable code and technical constants who share you the sever problem you face in your work. Also there is a department called MIS (I forgot stands for what) which is responsible for support officially. It cares about all troubles you may face either hardware troubles, network-related troubles and/or software troubles. It also provide you what you may need even there is no trouble like if you want to install some software, activate one, need a computer accessories,....etc. I remember one day I decided to bring my headphone back to Alexandria as my sister need it, I called MIS on phone (sure I have my own phone there) and asked them for a headphone as I will bring mine back to home !! I got one after 10 minutes.
May be there are more and more we can describe in LinkDev environment, but the last thing I want to mention is the luxury level their employees live in the company. They had their two or three food areas with a big TV access many satellites which enable you to follow your favorite programs in whatever channel you want during the rest hour (you choose your rest hour). Also food areas contains Play Station 3 devices so you can enjoy games there, I already see team who make a turn playing intending to finish all stages of some game and somethings funny like that. Sure basic things like air condition and drinks are provided like any other software company.
Finally, I cannot say that LinDev environment are the best environment you will ever see, but I can claim that it is one of the most comfortable environment one can work in.
You can see life at LinDev here http://www.linkdev.com/careers/LifeatLinkDev.aspx
Well, that's a good example that you experienced yourself. we've read and heard much about Google too. Many relates the success of Google to it's care of the employees and the environment around them.
You're right... The environment has a great effect on the employees productivity :)
Nice post :)
والله الكلام حلو يا عمرو, بس ايه رأيك في كلام الراجل ده (مأخوذ من تعليقات القراء في مصراوي على خبر لينك ديف اوروبا)
انا كنت شغال في لينك
* تعليق: واحد لينكاوي قديم
* بتاريخ: 3/26/2008 10:25:00 PM
انا كنت شغال في لينك ديفيلوبمنت وسبتها لشركه مصريه برضه اكبر واحسن.. عيب لينك الاساسي بيئة الشغل السيئه قوي قوي كل الناس متضايقه وكل الناس بتزنبأ بعض والناس عليها دايما ضغط شغل رهيب.. لو اشتغلت في لينك مش هتعمل اي حاجه في حياتك غير الشغل.. حياتك الاجتماعيه هتدمر ومش هتعرف تمارس اي رياضه
بص يا أحمد..يمكن الكلام دا كان زمان ( على أساس أن الراجل بيقول أنه لينكاوي قديم) ويمكن كون محصلش ويمكن تكون هي دي الحقيقه..بس عمرو مجدي كان هناك مؤخرا و قال النقيض لكلام الراجل ده..فأولى بنا أننا نصدق كلام عمرو
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